ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Russ & Sandy Meyer

ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Russ & Sandy Meyer

This article is dedicated to Russ and Sandy Meyer as we honor their 16+ years of volunteer service with ADRC and over 30+ years of their volunteer career. To say we appreciate all the time they have donated would be an understatement. The Meyers are about as selfless...
ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Russ & Sandy Meyer

ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Gloria & Ginny

Gloria When Gloria thinks of ADRC, she thinks of people – the staff and those they serve. Her first introduction to us was when friends invited her and her husband to join them at the Grounded Cafe. It was such a warm, comfortable setting and they were treated...
ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Russ & Sandy Meyer

ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Michael Conley-Kuhagen (MCK)

We know someone you’ve got to meet! His name is Michael, but he goes by MCK. He has been a volunteer with ADRC for 4 years and going. He said he enjoys volunteering at ADRC because he always feels welcomed and supported. MCK started with ADRC as a Front Desk...