Brown County Prevention Coalition: Advance Care Planning

Create opportunities for adults in Brown County to have the conversation and understand the urgency and need to complete a healthcare advance directive.
- Help adults complete a Power of Attorney (POA) for Healthcare and place on file within the electronic medical record (EMR).
- Build community awareness for why POA for Healthcare is important.
- Provide education to assist in the completion of healthcare advance directives.
- Focus on healthcare advance directives and not on financial POA documents.

Prevention Coalition Contacts:
Direct questions or inquires for more information to the Advance Care Planning Subcommittee Chair:
Lisa McMahon, email:
Direct questions or inquires for more information to the Steering Committee Chair:
Jody Weisse, email:
Local Resources
Click on the buttons below for more information about advance directives.
Watch important video messages from local experts regarding healthcare advance directives.