Brain Check-Up

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What is a Brain Check-Up?

A Brain Check-Up, sometimes called a Memory Screen, is three short activities that test how different parts of your brain are functioning. It is not a diagnostic tool, but it is sensitive enough to detect subtle changes in memory and cognition.

We recommend that everyone over the age of 60 get a Brain Check-Up annually. This is a great way to get a baseline – even if you are not having any concerns! Call ADRC (920) 448-4300 for more information.

What do I do with the results?

With your consent, we are able to fax the results to your doctor. This can be a great way to keep a baseline, even if you do not have any concerns.

If your results do show concerns, faxing them to your doctor can be a great conversation starter to bring up your concerns. A result of concern does not automatically mean an irreversible, permanent dementia. Your screener will go through some educational material during this appointment on the potential causes of symptoms, warning signs, and how to keep your brain active and healthy. 

© Noriko Cooper

Stay Educated!

After each Brain Check-Up, customers are educated on other potential causes of dementia-like symptoms, the 10 warning signs, and activities for better brain health. You can also get information on where to go for further testing if needed or more general information about dementia.

Brain Check-Ups are a free service offered by ADRC. Call us to make an appointment at (920) 448-4300.

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