by smommaerts | May 29, 2020 | Blog, Caregiver Information, Dementia
Caregivers give their best effort to care for their loved ones. Caring for your loved one with dementia is one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding, things you can do. However, sometimes the way you approach your loved one or a situation can unknowingly result...
by smommaerts | May 29, 2020 | Blog, Brain Health, Mental Health, Nutrition
Have you noticed at all this past month when you asked someone how they were doing there is a long pause or awkward silence? The next time you want to check in with someone, try asking, “How are you coping today?” or “What’s been on your mind lately?” We are in...
by smommaerts | May 29, 2020 | Blog, Nutrition
Making New Year’s resolutions is easy. Sticking with them is the hard part. According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania in 2018, 77% of resolution makers stayed on track 1 week into the New Year. After 6 months, only 40% are still on track. So why...
by smommaerts | May 29, 2020 | Blog, Foodshare, Nutrition
Farmers Market season is upon us again! This year will look a little different – please check out our Farmers Market page for qualifications and to find out how to pick yours up. Senior Farmers Market Voucher Program For details about the farmers market, visit...
by smommaerts | May 29, 2020 | Blog, Caregiver Information
Written by: Jane Mahoney, Older Americans Act Consultant, Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources Everyone needs help from time to time. Sometimes, there is an urgent need such as a sudden illness or the death of someone close, or it’s just a tough week when...