by ADRC | Apr 26, 2021 | Blog, Medicare
For reprint by the GWAAR Medicare Outreach Team After a long winter, the signs of spring are sprouting up all around us. Now is a good time to focus on your health so you can enjoy all that this season has to offer. And taking advantage of Medicare preventive benefits...
by smommaerts | Dec 30, 2020 | Blog, Medicare, Social Security
The Social Security Administration and Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services have announced changes for their programs for 2021. These changes are summarized in the chart below. ITEM20202021Cost of Living Increase1.60%1.30%Quarter of Coverage$1,410$1,470Maximum...
by smommaerts | Nov 29, 2020 | Blog, Medicare
What can I do?• If you’re in a Medicare Advantage Plan (with or without drug coverage), you can switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan (with or without drug coverage).• You can drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and return to Original Medicare. You’ll...
by smommaerts | Sep 30, 2020 | Blog, Medicare
By the GWAAR Medicare Outreach Team Do you have a Medicare Prescription Drug (Part D) plan or a Medicare Advantage with Drug coverage? Every year Medicare Advantage and Part D plans can change the list of prescription medications they will cover as well as the...
by smommaerts | Aug 31, 2020 | Blog, Medicare
Medicare Open Enrollment for Medicare Advantage and Medicare prescription drug coverage is right around the corner, October 15th through December 7th, 2020. All Medicare recipients will be encouraged to review their drug coverage for the 2021 calendar year. While...
by smommaerts | Jul 29, 2020 | Blog, Medicare
Changes to Medicare As of April 1, 2020, your doctor can bill Medicare for the Coronavirus test (provided after February 4, 2020). You will owe nothing for the laboratory test and related provider visits.Virtual check-ins can be used to communicate with your doctor...