Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Gut health is something we many not think about when we picture maintaining good health, but it’s very important. With a healthy gut, we are more likely to ward off issues with the gastrointestinal system. Let’s look at how prebiotics and probiotics play a...
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

For reprint by the GWAAR Legal Services Team The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is now accepting applications for financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses. If you paid for funeral services and burial or cremation for someone whose death...
At-Home Stress Relief

At-Home Stress Relief

As caregivers, we sometimes forget our own needs or have a difficult time prioritizing the importance of self-care. Finding time to get out of the house can feel like a barrier to getting some “me time.” Fortunately, there are many different ways to relax...