ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Russ & Sandy Meyer

ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Russ & Sandy Meyer

This article is dedicated to Russ and Sandy Meyer as we honor their 16+ years of volunteer service with ADRC and over 30+ years of their volunteer career. To say we appreciate all the time they have donated would be an understatement. The Meyers are about as selfless...
Nutrition Myths

Nutrition Myths

Sometimes it’s difficult to know when a nutrition statement is a fact or a myth. There are many nutrition myths circling around that we believe to be true. Here are some common nutrition myths and why they are actually not true. Myth: You have to give up all...
Ask I&A: Home Accessibility

Ask I&A: Home Accessibility

Question: I am a person with physical disabilities and I’m starting to have trouble being independent in my home. What options are available to me? Answer: There are many options in Brown County that can help promote your independence ranging from in-home care...
ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Russ & Sandy Meyer

ADRC Volunteer Spotlight: Gloria & Ginny

Gloria When Gloria thinks of ADRC, she thinks of people – the staff and those they serve. Her first introduction to us was when friends invited her and her husband to join them at the Grounded Cafe. It was such a warm, comfortable setting and they were treated...