Family Stories

Family Stories

By guest writer: Carla Erdmann Our Mom was a Beauty when Life was Still Our mom was a beauty when life was stillFull of promise, filled with dreams.Some came true and some did not.So it goes, so it seems.She gave us life, she gave us love,She raised us in her...

Family Caregiver Advocacy

Governor Evers’ current budget proposal includes a number of critical items that would assist family caregivers throughout Wisconsin. As the state legislature begins drafting their own budget proposal, please consider reaching out to your elected officials to...

National Drug Take Back Day

Saturday, April 24, 2021 is National Drug Take Back Day! Visit for more information about how and where to dispose of old and unwanted medications. They also have an interactive map so you can find your drug take back...

Transition Advocacy

DID YOU KNOW? One of the services provided by ADRCs is to support young adults with disabilities while they are still in school and as they make the transition to adulthood by helping them connect to programs and services in the community.  Students are supported in...
Assistive Technology and Independence in the Home

Assistive Technology and Independence in the Home

Question: My 75-year-old mother recently had knee replacement surgery and suffers from arthritis. She is having difficulty getting in and out of the shower as well as getting dressed (especially putting on socks and shoes). She is also having more arthritis pain in...