Extended Coverage of Health Insurance

Extended Coverage of Health Insurance

Extended Coverage for Marketplace Health Insurance Customers The term “Marketplace Health Insurance” is used to describe the assortment of plans offered on the federal health insurance exchange. Insurance companies offer Qualified Health Plans that comply...
Ask I&A – Medication Management

Ask I&A – Medication Management

Question: I’m worried about my mother. She is 84 years old, lives alone, and has some memory loss. For the past six months, I’ve been calling her every day to remind her to take her prescription medications. I’m afraid that she might not know which...
Stories of Growing Up

Stories of Growing Up

By Guest Writer: Myra Fercy 1930’s ClothingMama was an excellent seamstress. She could make dresses for all her girls from one pattern. She knew how to adjust the pattern, making it longer in the waist for the taller girls, and shorter and fuller skirts for the...