Volunteer Application

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Step 1 of 12

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Aging & Disability Resource Center. There is always a need for volunteers to assist older persons and adults with disabilities to lead dignified, independent lives. You can be assured that your services will mean a great deal to the people you serve. Whatever your passion is, whether you can assist on a regular on-going basis or as a substitute when you can, your volunteer services will be greatly appreciated.
Please complete and submit the following:
  • Volunteer Application
  • Confidentiality Statement & Conflict of Interest
  • Background Information Disclosure
  • Annual HIPAA Training
  • Copy of Driver's License
  • Cop of Proof of Auto Insurance (or Declaration Page)

NOTE: ADRC is required to have on file, up-to-date proof of insurance coverage for all volunteers. You will be mailed a request for updated proof of insurance biannually or annually. The copy of the insurance card must show the expiration date for your current policy. If it does not, you may call your insurance agent and ask them to send us a “Certificate of Insurance”. (We can make copies of your driver license and proof of insurance if you bring them to ADRC).

What happens next?

We will run your background check and contact your references. Once all of these items are obtained, we will contact you via phone or by mail with the status of your application.