Advocacy Work & Dementia

Advocacy Work & Dementia

Advocacy is a wonderful way to make our voices heard, help those around us, and show support for a cause we are passionate about. This is especially true in situations when the people or causes we are advocating with may have a condition that, in time, could limit...
Ask I&A: Making Your Voice Heard!

Ask I&A: Making Your Voice Heard!

Question: I want to help people understand their rights and become more empowered to make their voice heard. What are some options that older adults and people with disabilities can use to advocate for themselves? Answer: There are multiple advocacy organizations that...
Ask I&A: Fall Prevention

Ask I&A: Fall Prevention

Falling – just that word evokes different reactions from each person. Some of us don’t think about it at all, some of us have experienced some “close calls,” some of us have “gotten lucky” when we fell and avoided injury....