by ADRC | Dec 21, 2022 | Blog, Monthly Theme
Question: My mother lives alone and does not get out of the home easily. I am concerned about her mental health as she spends a lot of time alone. She agrees she needs some outlets, and I would like to know how I can best support her? Answer: Thank you for the...
by ADRC | Dec 21, 2022 | Blog, Monthly Theme, Nutrition
With the new year comes a fresh start! January is a great time to refresh your take on staying healthy. National Staying Healthy Month encourages everyone to keep making your well-being and self-care a priority. Starting the new year with embracing a healthier...
by ADRC | Dec 21, 2022 | Blog, Caregiver Information, Monthly Theme
The New Year is a time when people take inventory of their lives and discern what is going right and what they may want to change. This can be anything from exercising more, watching less TV, or taking better care of ourselves. As caregivers, our needs are often...
by ADRC | Dec 21, 2022 | Blog, Foodshare, Monthly Theme, Nutrition
For reprint by GWAAR Legal Services Team FoodShare recipients have been receiving maximum allotments for their household sizes for over two years. As a result, some people have found that they have not been able to spend all of this money each month. It is important...
by ADRC | Nov 28, 2022 | Blog
Are you ready for Wisconsin winter? As the seasons change rapidly, thinking ahead about what the long winter months have in store is a must. Make sure you are prepared by planning in advance, before the snow flies. To prevent potentially dangerous situations, make...
by ADRC | Nov 28, 2022 | Blog, Nutrition
During the long winter months, it’s important to eat foods that will boost your immune system to help ward off sicknesses. Many cold and flu viruses will test our immune system strength! Here are some nutrients to be sure to include in your diet while...