National Nutrition Month: Personalize Your Plate!

by | Feb 22, 2021 | Blog, Nutrition

National Nutrition Month 2021, is celebrating how each and every one of us is unique. states, “There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and health. We are all unique with different bodies, goals, backgrounds and tastes!”

Different Bodies
No two bodies are the same. Each person inherits different genes that influence many things such as bone structure, body size, shape, how our body metabolizes food, and how it reacts to certain foods. In turn, food and physical activity may affect us each differently. One person may feel great by limiting simple carbohydrates, while another person may feel great by limiting portion sizes. One person may be able to maintain their weight by eating a healthy diet, while another person may need to incorporate exercise into their day to maintain weight.

It is commonly noticed that our bodies are different when exploring various diets and food trends. For example, limiting carbohydrates may be easy for one person, but perhaps for others, they may find it difficult and aren’t able to sustain the diet for long. Also, our bodies may not have the same reactions. Some people may feel great by not consuming many carbohydrates, while others may experience headaches, nausea, and constipation.

Different Goals
We all have different aspirations, desires, and life situations. Some may have a specific weight they want to reach, some may have a goal to simply feel healthier, while others have a goal to be able to have a healthy blood pressure without medication.

Throughout our lives, we may set different goals. Perhaps a couple of years ago your goal was to simply eat balanced meals. Today your goal is to increase the amount of calcium in your diet to help keep your bones strong. Based on our goals, each person’s plate will look different, and throughout your life, your plate may look different, too.

Backgrounds and Tastes
We all come from different backgrounds and we prefer different foods and have different tastes. Where our ancestors came from may influence our tastes as well. For example, German food is very different from Asian food, while American food is very different from foods consumed in Spain. Even within the United States, we notice different backgrounds and different tastes in food. Wisconsin has different traditional foods than Louisiana does.

One thing that is exciting about traveling is experiencing the traditional foods and tastes of different places. You will be able to discover foods you have never tried before. If you discover a food you enjoy when visiting another place, you could bring that dish, and other new dishes, to your kitchen and experience new flavors. Since backgrounds and tastes vary significantly, our plates should, too!

Additional Information & Support

We are here to help you and your family with a wide variety of community resource options. For assistance by phone, or to make an appointment, contact us.

(920) 448-4300 | WI Relay 711

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