Celebrating 50 Years!

Older Americans Act Nutrition Program

This March, we’re celebrating something special!

March 2022, marks the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Program – which includes our Homebound Meal and Community Café Programs. In 1972, the OAA was amended to include a national nutrition program for adults 60 and older. For 50 years now, the nutrition program has provided support and independence for the country’s senior population. The theme for this year’s anniversary, chosen by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), is “Celebrate. Innovate. Educate.”

Here at ADRC, we’re so proud to serve over 600 meals a day

This includes meals to our homebound recipients as well as the many diners at our community café. We know that this is more than just a meal; not only does it provide balanced nutrition, but it provides socialization, a daily check-up, and a support for our homebound recipients to remain independent in their homes. Our goal is to reduce isolation and loneliness and provide education and resources to residents of Brown County.

In light of the celebration this month, it makes us look towards the next 50 years. We expect a 37% increase in adults over age 60 in the next 20 years, so we know that resources and programs will need to expand to keep up with the need. As an agency filled with creative thinkers and problem solvers, we’ve been brainstorming ways to keep our programs growing at pace with the expanding population. Our dreams for the future will allow us to serve 1,000 meals a day, made with fresh, local produce, and providing all of the amazing benefits that we know this meal brings along with it. Be sure to keep an eye on us as there’s great things in store!

Get Involved

Delivering nutrition – and smiles!

We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without our amazing volunteers who help package and deliver the meals! There are over 30 meal routes we deliver to every day, so our volunteers are (literally!) the driving force behind our operation!

Spread some creativity and fun!

Are you looking for a way to give back to your community? If you’re a teacher, troop leader, employer, or anyone else looking for a way to put a smile on someone’s face, contact our Nutrition Department at (920) 448-4312 to see how you can get involved! You can also email us at bc.adrc@browncountywi.gov for more information.

Help us keep the Nutrition Program going!

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Sources: acl.gov, mealsonwheelsamerica.org