The Longest Day
Raising awareness for dementiaWhat is the Longest Day?
The longest day of the year is June 20, 2024. We raise awareness for dementia on this day because EVERY day is often the longest day for those not only living with dementia but also their loved ones.
We’re raising awareness of dementia and its impact, enhancing Brown County by making it a more dementia friendly community to live in, and working towards ending the stigma associated with dementia.
Why is it important?
Dementia touches the lives of almost everyone, whether you are living with the disease or are a caregiver for someone who is. In Wisconsin, there are about 123,000 people living with dementia, about 70% of them live in the community. To put this number in perspective, 123,000 people would fill Lambeau Field and Miller Park combined! Since half of all cases are undiagnosed, many more families and individuals are in need of assistance and support.

Get Involved!
Join ADRC June 14 – 21, 2024, as we partner with the Alzheimer’s Association and the Brown County Dementia Friendly Coalition for a week of activities bringing awareness to dementia and its impact. June 20th is the longest day of the year, and we raise awareness because EVERY day is often the longest for those living with dementia and their loved ones. Interested in learning more about the Brown County Dementia Friendly Community Coalition? Reach out to ADRC at (920) 448-4300.
Community Opportunities
Healthy Living with MCI
Friday, 6/14/24, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
In person at ADRC
Join us as we hear from Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center’s Dr. Adrienne Johnson as we learn tips and the latest research for adapting to life with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Register now and request a FREE Brain Check-Up after!
What is Dementia Friends?
Tuesday, 6/18/24, 10 – 11 a.m.
In person at ADRC
Dementia Friends is an informational session led by a Dementia Friends Champion. The session includes education on the basics of dementia, activities that help people understand what it might be like to live with dementia, and tips on how to better communicate with someone with dementia.
Dementia Experience
Wednesday, 6/19/24, 10 – 11 a.m. & 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
In person at ADRC
Do you ever wonder what it may feel like to live with dementia? Try the Dementia Experience where you will be outfitted with tools to simulate neuropathy of the hands and feet, vision limitations, and auditory changes. You will then be asked to complete a few simple tasks with a debriefing discussion to follow.
Got Dementia on the Brain?
Thursday, 6/20/24, 10 – 11 a.m.
In person at ADRC
Join us for a presentation and discussion on dementia, brain health, and community supports. If you’re wondering what can be done to help keep your and your loved one’s brains healthy, this is the event to attend!
How Quick are YOU?
Friday, 6/21/24, 12 – 1 p.m.
In person at ADRC
Stop down at ADRC to test your visual processing speed and reaction time with our fun game using unique light pod sensors. While you’re here, be sure to check out our café specials for the Longest Day!
Business / Organization Opportunities
Purple Angel Training
Purple Angel training is a FREE 30-minute training about dementia basics specific to individual businesses/organizations. Employees are trained to recognize, welcome, support, and serve people with dementia and their caregivers. Offering dementia friendly customer service will go a long way in retaining customers!
This training is flexible to meet the needs of your business/organization. Contact ADRC at (920) 448-4300 to schedule a time for training.
Other Ideas to Get Involved
- Go purple during the month of June
- Post signs, brochures, or donation boxes
- Use stickers or postcards to place with customer orders
Get creative!