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Resources with this icon can be clicked to learn more.
Brown County Food Resources
Information about pantries, community meals, FoodShare, and other programs that provide food assistance.
Community Café Dining Sites Handouts
Enjoy lunch with your friends and meet new ones, too!
Fully Cooked Meals Delivered to Your Door
List of meal prep and delivery services. Order meals for weekly delivery.
Grocery Shop Online - Pick-Up & Delivery
List of grocery stores offering online ordering with store pick-up or delivery.
Wisconsin FoodShare
Federal program created to stop hunger and improve health and nutrition. It helps income eligible families and individuals purchase the food they need for good health. The application process includes a phone interview with the Bay Lake Consortium and an online application. Call the Bay Lake Consortium 1-888-794-5747 today to check for eligibility and complete your phone interview.
Recursos en Español - Spanish
Despensas de Alimentos en el condado de Brown
Un recurso con informacion sobre despensas de alimentos, comedores comunitarios, FoodShare y otras programas que proveen la assistencia de comida.