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AFCSP & NFCSP Programs

Alzheimer's Family Careiger Support Program (AFCSP) and National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) provide financial support to family caregivers who qualify.

Caregiver Support

A listing of services specifically designed to support caregivers offered by ADRC.

Caregiver Guide

UCLA Caregiver Alzheimer - Dementia Videos: Actors role-play behaviors and show tips on how caregivers can respond to them. Practical ideas and solutions to everyday situations. Most videos are 5 minutes in length.

Caregiver Handbook

Designed to help caregivers start to think about what their needs are. Provides a brief outline of available services.

Grandparents: Becoming a Parent Again

Guide to getting started on the journey of parenting grandchildren. ADRC is here to help.

Online Caregiver Resources

Listing of websites with helpful information for caregivers. All ages, from children and adults with disabilities, to seniors with dementia. Great videos as well.

Respite Options for People with Special Needs

Explains what respite is, why it's important, available respite options, and where to get assistance to sort through those options.

Recursos en Español - Spanish

Programas de Apoyo para Cuidadores de Familia

(AFCSP & NFCSP Programs)

Manual Para Cuidadores

(Caregiver Handbook)

Abuelos: Siendo Padres y Madres Otra Vez

(Grandparents: Becoming a Parent Again)

Opciones de Cuidado de Relevo Para Personas Discapacitadas y Sus Cuidadores

(Respite Options for People with Special Needs)

Hmoob Resources - Hmong

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(AFCSP & NFCSP Programs)

Tus Neeg Saib Xyuas Tsev Neeg Phau Ntawv Kawm

(Caregiver Handbook)

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