Other Insurance

SeniorCare, Marketplace, and COBRA Health Insurance
Wisconsin SeniorCare


SeniorCare is a prescription drug assistance program for Wisconsin residents who are 65 years or older and meet the enrollment requirements. The program is designed to help seniors with their prescription drug costs.

To enroll in SeniorCare you must:

  • Be a Wisconsin resident
  • Be a U.S. citizen or have qualifying immigrant status
  • Be 65 years of age or older

Marketplace Health Insurance

Marketplace is a term used to describe plans offered as part of the Affordable Care Act also known as “Obamacare.” All plans sold through Marketplace are considered qualified health plans which comply with the standards set by the Affordable Care Act of 2010.

Federal subsidies allow the plans to offer low-income individuals reduced costs for monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs. The plans are for persons who do not qualify for Medicaid or Medicare. Examples are a person under age 65 who doesn’t have health coverage and whose income disqualifies them for Medicaid.

Inquire about and apply for plans by phone at (800)318-2596 or online. The site allows a search for agents or a Navigator in your area who can assist you.


COBRA allows former employees, retirees, spouses, former spouses, and dependent children who lose their health benefits the right to temporarily continue health coverage at a group rate under certain circumstances. Examples are voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in hours, transition between jobs, death, and divorce. The cost is higher than the active employee rate. The U.S. Department of Labor has put together a publication that answers frequently asked questions about COBRA. Go online or talk to your group health plan administrator for more information.


Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance

This office regulates the Wisconsin insurance market. They are in charge of protecting consumers from healthcare fraud and abuse. Their website is a good source for information about Medicare supplement policies, private long-term care insurance policies, life insurance policies, annuities, and is the place to file a complaint or make inquiries regarding insurance agents or companies.

