Ask I&A: Youth Transition

by | Jun 30, 2022 | Blog

Question: My daughter is currently a junior in high school and has a disability. She receives services through school, and during a recent meeting, the team suggested we call ADRC. How does ADRC work with students with disabilities? What is the best way for people to connect with ADRC?

Answer: ADRC can help you learn about and navigate community resources for people with disabilities. We can provide confidential options counseling, which involves help with transition planning. Taken from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website, “transition planning is helping students with disabilities and their families think about their life after high school.”

Our services can be provided at ADRC, via telephone, or through a home visit starting at 17 years, 6 months of age. Professionals involved in transition planning may use the Professional Referral link on our website with your consent.

When meeting with ADRC staff, the transition planning discussion can include topics such as:

  • Rights and responsibilities when turning 18
  • Legal decision-making supports
  • Continuing education and/or employment
  • Access to adult long-term care programs
  • Information on applying for public benefits
  • Health care provider changes

Transitioning to adulthood (turning 18) and leaving high school may not happen at the same time for a student with a disability. No matter when these transitions happen, learning about options may be helpful in alleviating the stress that results from these big life changes.

The following is a list of other helpful resources for transition planning, including support for students under 17 years and 6 months old.

  • TIG – Transition Improvement Grant:
  • WI FACETS – Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training, & Support: They offer information and referral, support groups, leadership development, individual assistance, and training opportunities.
  • Family Voices of WI: Their work focuses on health care, community supports, education, information, and advocacy.
  • Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs: Dedicated to supporting families with children and youth with special health care needs. Call (920) 969-5325 or (877) 568-2505.
  • Brown County Department of Human Services: Learn about the Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver through Brown County. Call (920) 448-7884.
  • Before Age 18:

Additional Information & Support

We are here to help you and your family with a wide variety of community resource options. For assistance by phone, or to make an appointment, contact us.

(920) 448-4300 | WI Relay 711

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