Ask I&A: Ramps & Legal Resources

by | Jun 30, 2022 | Advocacy, Blog, Legal Action

Question: I am in need of help getting a ramp built at my home and do not know where to start to look for assistance with this. Where can I go that might be able to help me out with not only having a ramp built but also help with the cost?

Answer: It sounds like you might be looking for help through Options for Independent Living, Inc. They are a non-profit organization that is committed to empowering people with disabilities to lead independent and productive lives in their community through advocacy, the provision of information, education, technology, and related services. As part of their philosophy of customer-directed services, their staff provides information so individuals with disabilities, family, and friends can make informed choices and achieve their goals. Learn more by visiting or by calling (920) 490-0500.

Another great resource to potentially help with the financial piece may be to contact CP Outreach Services. This service provides resources, referrals, and limited funding for individuals with physical, sensory, and communication needs to live as independently as possible. There is an application process that would need to be completed in order to be considered. You can contact CP Outreach Services at (920) 337-1122 to inquire further on the application process.

Question: I am in need of assistance with legal help and I do not have a lot of money to pay for services. Are there any programs available that may help me with reduced or free legal help?

Answer: Thank you for your inquiry. There are many resources that offer reduced fees or are free, depending on your needs.

• Legal Action of Wisconsin: (920) 432-4645
• Wisconsin State Bar Referral/Wisconsin State Bar Modest Means: (800) 362-9082
• Wisconsin Free Legal Answers:

Elder Abuse
• Elder Rights Project: (844) 614-5468

Person with a Disability
• Disability Rights Wisconsin: (800) 928-8778

Advance Directives & Guardianship
• Wisconsin Guardianship Support: (855) 409-9410 or email

• Fair Housing Council: (920) 560-4620

Tribal Members
• Oneida GTV Legal Resource Center: (920) 496-5320

Persons Living with HIV/AIDS
• Vivent Health: (920) 437-7400

Additional Information & Support

We are here to help you and your family with a wide variety of community resource options. For assistance by phone, or to make an appointment, contact us.

(920) 448-4300 | WI Relay 711

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