ADRC Staff Spotlight: Lori Hinz & Michele LaFond

by | Jul 24, 2024 | Blog

You may have called ADRC and spoke to a staff member over the phone or perhaps you stopped in and met with someone directly. Whichever form of communication you have used, you likely did not learn much about the individual assisting you. This is because our goal is to provide you with unbiased information and resources to assist you through life’s changes. However, building relationships is also one of our goals – so meet our team!

Lori Hinz
Meet Lori Hinz, one of our ADRC Specialists. She has been here at ADRC for 9 years. As an ADRC Specialist, she helps discover people’s needs and then point them in the right direction for help in the community.

Her favorite part of the job is meeting with people in their homes to help them learn about all of the different resources and benefits available for them.

If she were given a magic wand to create or change a community support or resource, she would create more affordable transportation options as well as more affordable housing.

Fun Facts About Lori: I love playing tennis, scrapbooking, and gardening!

Michele LaFond
Meet Michele LaFond, another one of our ADRC Specialists. She has been here at ADRC for just over a year. As an ADRC Specialist, she is usually busy answering calls, providing referrals and information for customers.

One of her favorite parts of the job is that every day is different! She loves working with people and helping the community.

If she were given a magic wand to create or change a community support or resource, she would increase and improve mental health services in the area.

Fun Facts About Michele: I love live music and attending music festivals! My favorite foods are seafood and pasta.

Additional Information & Support

We are here to help you and your family with a wide variety of community resource options. For assistance by phone, or to make an appointment, contact us.

(920) 448-4300 | WI Relay 711

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