ADRC Magazine

Got a minute? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

We’re reaching out to our ADRC Magazine readers to learn more about what you are looking for and how to make it worth sharing with friends! We would really appreciate if you’d be able to take a few minutes to fill out our brief survey regarding the magazine. Thank you!

Filled with Information and Things to Do

ADRC Magazine is the place to learn about topics of importance to you and plan your month with fun and interesting things to do.

Click on the image to the left to open this month’s edition.

So Many Ways to Get a Copy

Check out the many ways you can get the ADRC Magazine each month.

  1. Email Subscription:
    Use the form below to read the ADRC Magazine free by email. Each month you will get an email with a link to read ADRC Magazine online.
  2. Mailed to Your Home:
    Have it mailed to your home for a suggested donation of $20 per year. Call (920) 448-4300 or stop at the Welcome Center the next time you are at ADRC or Grounded Café to set this up.
  3. Pick-up free:
    The ADRC Magazine can be picked up for free at ADRC or Grounded Café, at Brown County Library locations, and many, many locations throughout Brown County.


Email Subscription