Data Dashboard

All people are valued, celebrated, and connected to a life of possibilities.

ADRC: Who We Are

ADRCs are a Wisconsin idea designed to partner with adults 60+, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers, empowering them to live their best possible life.

We’re here to partner with you through all of life’s changes and challenges. ADRC of Brown County offers a broad range of services from activities, events, and workshops, to assistacne with the challenges of aging and disability.

ADRC is your source for unbiased, comprehensive information.

ADRC Community Programs

ADRC of Brown County impacts the community through the  critical programs it provides. It is an easily accessible, welcoming place where adults with disabilities, seniors, their families, and caregivers can find current, unbiased, and comprehensive information about services that help them live as independently as possible. ADRC helps individuals conserve their personal resources, health, and independence, reducing the demand for public funding for long-term care by delaying or preventing the need for it. We empower individuals through information, education, prevention programs, and benefit advocacy.
We create real change for real people.

Customer Contacts
ADRC Specialists
Benefit Specialists

Customer Contacts

With over 31,400 phone calls coming in to our agency throughout the year, we’re proud to boast an over 99% answer rate! That means chances are good that when you give us a call, you’ll be greeted by our Welcome Center staff. This is just one way we provide top-notch customer service. Our staff are committed to assisting members of the community by listening to their needs and getting them connected with the right services and resources.

ADRC Specialists

Our ADRC Specialist team members specialize in getting you connected to community resources. They’re here to answer your questions about housing, transportation, long-term care, caregiving, dementia, and so much more.

Options Counseling 2023: 1,948 Sessions
Options counseling is a person-centered, interactive decision-support process that typically includes a face-to-face interaction. Options counseling is an in-depth process which involves learning about your needs and goals, decision support, action planning, and follow-up to ensure your needs have been met.

Benefit Specialists

Our Benefit Specialist team members are masters of all things benefits: Medicare, insurance, public programs, and more. Looking towards retirement? New to Medicare? Unsure about everything you may qualify for? They’re here to answer all of your questions.

Customer Contacts Year Comparison
We meet customers where they choose - whether that's in their homes, at ADRC, or in care facilities.

Caregiver Programs

The National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) and the Alzheimer Family Caregiver Support Program (AFSCSP) are designed to help family caregivers have access to community services as well as the funding for goods and services. Learn More.

  • Assistive Devices/Technology

    Shower chair, toilet riser, walker, compression stockings, bed rails, devices to check in with loved one, couch cane, automatic pill dispenser

  • In-Home: General Respite

    Companionship for the care recipient (someone to stay with care recipient while caregiver goes to appointments, takes a break, etc.)

  • In-Home: Homemaker

    House cleaning, laundry, meal preparation, grocery shopping

  • Consumable Supplies

    Incontinence products, ready-made meals, personal emergency response system monthly chares, meal replacement drinks

  • In-Home: Personal Care

    Assistance with bathing, dressing, wound care

Top 5 Reasons for Contacting ADRC


Dementia Care Specialist

Our Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) meets with customers to discuss dementia tools and resources.

206 Memory Screens

Helping individuals create a baseline for their memory to monitor future changes.

34 Community Education Events

2023 saw 16 Dementia Friends Trainings and 18 Purple Angel Trainings!

ADRC Community Engagement

We reach out, reach up, and reach those who need to be connected to our community. We connect with people in the most need by delivering meals to homebound individuals and empowering others through educational programs and evidence based classes. In Brown County, we’re actively working to create change for people and systems in our community. Our work will never be done.
Together we’re building a brighter future!


Socialization is incredibly important to an individual’s overall health. In fact, 15 cigarettes per day has the same negative impact on a person’s health as being isolated and lonely. Here at ADRC, we’ve got a wide range of education, entertaining, and inclusive activities to create connections.

Nutrition Program

ADRC’s Nutrition Program is designed to meet the nutritional and social needs of older adults in our community. Our Community Café helps to improve the nutrition and health needs as well as reduce social isolation and loneliness within our community.


2023 Community Café Meals Served


2023 Home Delivered Meals Served


2023 Average Daily Meals Served

Prevention Program Outcomes

Our Prevention Programming focuses on all people living and thriving within a community culture of good health and overall well-being. Our program include fall prevention, diabetes management, brain health, incontinence improvement, and more! Learn more.

Caregiver Program Outcomes


ADRC Nutrition Program

Here at ADRC, we’re so proud to serve over 600 meals a day to our homebound recipients as well as our diners at our Community Café. We know that this is more than just a meal; not only does it provide balanced nutrition, but also socialization, a daily check-up, and support for our homebound recipients to remain independent in their homes. Our goal is to reduce isolation and loneliness and provide education and resources to residents of Brown County.

Grounded Café is our vehicle to introduce new people to ADRC. To expand our reach to the active older adults, individuals with disabilities, and those who care for them. It is an opportunity to change the stereotype that we serve only old, frail, low-income community members. Once people are here, we are challenged with making our new café guests champions of ADRC and the people we serve. Grounded Café is here to breakdown stereotypes and ageism, forming new paradigms and awareness of the strengths and abilities of seniors and people with disabilities. We want our guests to feel like they belong to something big! To celebrate and be part of the many, many small things staff do every day that make big, big changes in people’s lives.
Breaking down stereotypes and changing the way people see people.

Nutrition Program

ADRC’s Nutrition Program is designed to meet the nutritional and social needs of older adults in our community. Our Community Café helps to improve the nutrition and health needs as well as reduce social isolation and loneliness within our community.


2023 Community Café Meals Served


2023 Home Delivered Meals Served


2023 Average Daily Meals Served

Central Kitchen

In Brown County, there are 58,600 residents 60 and older. That number is expected to increase to 81,600 60+ residents in 2040. Right now, our maximum capacity for our meal program is 600 meals a day. With the expected increase in older individuals in the future, we know that expansion is necessary to fill the need. With more physical space, not only would we hope to expand by 40% (serve up to 1,000 meals a day!), but we could also extend our reach out into the rural communities we are unable to serve at this time.

Investing in ADRC’s Nutrition Program allows older adults to remain healthier at home, avoiding more costly healthcare services. Funding this project is like investing $48.67 into each of the 58,670 60 and older residents of Brown County!

Grounded Café

Grounded Café was built on the belief that all people have value. Within everyone are possibilities, given the right opportunities to succeed. Partnering with local agencies, school districts, and volunteers, Grounded Café was born to breakdown stereotypes and ageism. To shine a light on the strengths and abilities of seniors and persons with disabilities.

In addition, we were gifted an amazing opportunity from the David L. and Rita E. Nelson Family Fund within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region to build a completely customized and fully-accessible food truck! Grounded on the Go is going out into the community to bring delicious food and reach people where they are.

Grounded on the Go: Food Truck

2023: 36 Food Truck Events

ADRC Sustainability

ADRC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to moving our community forward. We invite you to be part of our mission of valuing and celebrating adults 60+, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers. Join us in empowering and enriching lives! Your support helps us stretch services beyond the budget.

As a nonprofit organization, ADRC’s mission would be be possible without the generous support from our volunteers. Volunteers are always needed to lead classes, move our mission forward, serve up smiles, and much more.
Your support makes a difference!

2023 Revenue Sources

ADRC receives both state and federal dollars as the two primary funding sources. We also receive county levy for some of our services, making us a quasi-county department. Donations help us provide programs and services our board and customers ask for, but are not covered by our funding streams or grants.

2023 Revenue Sources


In 2023, over $369k of our revenue was generated through donations in exchange for services (meals, workshops, caregiver support, etc.) which helps offset the cost of the programs’ operations. Our funding sources are funneled very specifically, so the remainder of our donations ($166k in 2023) allow flexibility and help us stretch our budget further. These generous donations provide us a unique opportunity to expand resources and programs.


Incredible Donors in 2023


Total Dollars Donated in 2023
$369k+ Program Donations
$166k+ Additional Donations


Our volunteers play a crucial role in helping seniors and individuals with disabilities in our community remain independent.

340+ Amazing, Active Volunteers in 2023


Amount of monetary value added by volunteer hours in 2023.


30,373 Hours & 35,906 Miles Donated in 2023

Return on Investment (ROI)

The Return on Investment (ROI) figure indicates that each dollar invested in ADRC Specialist services helping customers with long-term care needs, produces an estimated net savings due lto reduced service utilization (either lower readmissions or emergency room visits post visit with ADRC). In 2023, for every dollar spent, $4.25 in savings was generated for the state. In other words, the savings from the ADRC Specialist program is 4 times higher than the cost of providing these services within the ADRC.


Return on Investment
Savings generated for the state

Benefit Specialists

All Wisconsin Elder and Disability Benefit Specialists (EBS and DBS) are required to track the value of benefits or services that are obtained or preserved for a customer, as well as money that is saved or recovered for a customer, with the help of a Benefit Specialist.
Benefit Specialist Fiscal Impacts
Fiscal impact amounts ($) for Elder Benefit Specialists (EBS) and Disability Benefit Specialists (DBS).

A Benefit Specialist Helps...

a customer compare Medicare Advantage Plans to pick one that covers their prescriptions.

A Benefit Specialist Helps...

a customer identify when to enroll in Medicare, to avoid a late enrollment penalty.

A Benefit Specialist Helps...

a customer communicate with a medical provider billing department the correct order to bill multiple forms of insurance.

Brown County Census Data

The population in the United States is older today than it has ever been. It is projected that the number of people 65 and older will continue to rise.

This data is from the Wisconsin Department of Administration Demographic Services Center.

Brown County Population 2020
65+ Population of Brown County Living with Dementia
Est. Brown County Population 2040

Last Updated: 9/20/24